23 October 2020
Book Week 2020
Last week over 500 students paraded their book character costumes around Girdlestone Oval on a magnificent spring morning. Seeing parents reading with their sons was delightful to see. It was also great to have an opportunity for parents to gather outside for a coffee and catch up after the reading event.
As part of our Book Week celebrations, some Reception and Year 1 students were able to enjoy the privilege of the Honorable Steven Marshall MP Premier of South Australia reading to them. Sitting beneath the Premier’s Reading Challenge Tree in our Junior School Library, the Premier entertained students by reading Bat vs Poss, written by Alexa Moses and illustrated by Anil Tortop.
Beyond Our Walls and Fields
Over the last fortnight, boys in Years 2, 3, 4 and 6 had the opportunity to take their learning beyond the school day. Looking back at 2020 in years to come, I am confident that the Year 2s will remember sleeping in their classrooms, the Year 3s will think about the thrill of riding a flying fox zip line, the Year 4s will reminisce about gathering Ruby Saltbush berries and their faces being painted with ochre by Uncle Tamaru. The Year 6s will be able to reflect on being the first Junior School cohort to venture to Kangaroo Island. I am so grateful that the boys have been able to have these experiences to develop their personal and social capabilities in a context outside of our school walls.
No Hat No Play from 1 September
In line with our SunSmart policy, we require students to wear a St Peter’s College sun hat during outdoor play times starting on Tuesday 1 September.
Playgrounds After School
Can I please remind parents to refrain from letting their sons use the playgrounds after the school day. These areas are not supervised by our staff out of school hours.
Car Park Drop off and Pick Up: Arrangements to continue
Thank you for continuing to help us promote physical distancing during drop off and pick up. Please continue to follow the procedures previously outlined.
Please remember to follow the 10km/h speed limit when driving in the Junior School. When using the Sports Centre / Uniform Carpark, please refrain from blocking the turning area.
Photographs on Social Media
There are so many amazing school events to photograph at the moment, but please remember to only post photos of your own child when sharing on social media.
Dates for the Diary
Monday 26 October
SAPSASA Athletics Day – Santos Stadium
Debating Quarter Finals 3:30-5:30pm Rainbow Room & Higgins Hall
Wednesday 28 October
Junior Primary Sports Day – Palm House Oval
Year 3 Strings Concert – Memorial Hall 6.30pm
Friday 30 October
Years 3-6 Athletics Carnival – Girdlestone Oval 9:00am
Reception – Yr 2 Assembly – 2:30pm. Junior School Hall
Every Wednesday: Wipe Out Waste Wednesday. Please aim to minimize disposable packaging all the time but let’s make and extra effort on Wednesdays.
Please remember that my door is always open and that I always welcome your feedback and questions.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Jasmine Taylor
Head of Junior School