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Feeding into my vision of creating a culture of differentiation at Saints, our Junior School staff and students have been sharing what they think are most important things to see, hear and feel in their classrooms. Mrs Ceri Slinger and I have met with groups of students from each year level as well as year level and specialist teaching teams from across the Junior School, gaining their input into what we think contributes to high-quality teaching and learning. Having garnered further responses from some of our Junior School Friends of Saints committee members, I would also like to invite our parent community to share what they see as being the most meaningful elements of their son’s teaching and learning.

Please click here to have your say about what you think high quality teaching and learning should look like, feel like and sound like.

I look forward to comparing student, staff and parent contributions to the discussion as we work towards continued teaching and learning excellence in our Junior School.

Hats Are On!
To comply with the Cancer Council Sun Protection requirements and SunSmart guidelines, hats are to be worn for the remainder of Term 3 and into Term 4 or whenever UV levels are 3 and above at other times. Please ensure that your son’s hat is clearly named and ready to be worn during recess and lunch play during these terms.

Playground Timings
A friendly reminder that our playgrounds are not supervised by our staff before or after school. As upper primary students do not finish lessons until 3:15pm, please refrain from letting your children play on the equipment next to the Year 6 classrooms in Shinkfield or behind the Year 3 classrooms in Bickersteth. Equipment can be used with parent /carer supervision between 3.15pm and 3.45pm on school days.

Parent/ Teacher Interviews
Just a reminder that Parent/Teacher interviews to be conducted next week on 17 and 19 September 2019. We encourage all parents to make bookings to meet and talk with both homeroom and specialist teachers about their son’s progress in all areas of the curriculum.

Congratulations to David Kolpak on his appointment to the position of Principal, Trinity College North, a Reception to Year 10 school based in Gawler and one of six campuses within Trinity College. David will finish at St Peter’s College at the end of Term 4, 2019 and I’m sure you will join me in congratulating him on the new role. In Term 4, there will be an opportunity for the School community to farewell David and to thank him for 20 years of service. Recruitment for the role of Head of Junior Years – Wellbeing and Administration has commenced and updates will be provided in due course.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Jasmine Taylor
Head of Junior School