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I am absolutely thrilled to be writing my first Junior School newsletter article this week. I have enjoyed my first two weeks at St Peter’s College, meeting students, staff and parents in our community who have all made me feel very welcome.

It was an incredible honour to be commissioned Head of Junior School at a service held in Memorial Hall on Wednesday afternoon. Being presented with symbols that represent the breadth and responsibility of the role, is indeed humbling.

I look forward to meeting more of our wonderful community at one of our ‘Meet and Greet’ coffee mornings to be held in the Function Space in Junior School at 8.30am on Friday 17 May and Friday 31 May. Please RSVP to for catering purposes.

I would like to acknowledge the following staffing changes for Term 2.

  • Mr Trevor Hamyln replacing Mrs Ada D’Onofrio who is on long service leave.
  • Ms Lana Tindle replacing Ms Kate Nixon who is also on long service leave.

In other staff news, the Junior School community would like to congratulate Ms Lisa Barnes, who was married last weekend, Ms Dorina Bonifacio who was married during the Easter Holiday and Miss Katey Cochrane who also got married during the school holidays.

Following extensive work carried out by Ms Sheryle Yorston last year in consultation with 2018 families and School Leadership, we are excited to share with you the revised Philosophy Statement for the Early Learning Centre. I hope that our current and prospective ELC community members will be able to attend the launch of this philosophy statement at 8.45am on Tuesday 4 June in the ELC meeting room. Please click rsvp to attend.

Please refer to the calendar in Keystone for additional upcoming dates for the diary.

I would like to finish by reiterating how pleased I am to have joined your community and working with you and your children in the coming years.

Jasmine Taylor
Head of Junior School