06 April 2018
As Term 1 draws to a close, I take this opportunity to thank and congratulate our Middle Years boys for an excellent start to the year. For many of the boys, the upcoming holidays mark the end of their first term in the Senior School, and they can be enormously proud of the way they have embraced the opportunities made available to them. We often come together as a Middle Years cohort, and we always take the opportunity to focus on our core values of kindness, empathy and respect. We are very proud of the way our boys understand the importance of looking after each other at School, and the mature way that any difficulties are addressed.
Our Year 7 boys depart for Finniss on Monday morning and will return on Friday afternoon. Thank you to Anthony Bates and his team for the work that has gone into preparing the program. I look forward to bringing you a full report of the Journey early in Term 2.
Assessment and Reporting
As members of the Senior School, all Middle Years boys will receive an interim report at the end of Term 1. These reports will contain feedback pertaining to each boy’s attitude and application to study. Students will receive feedback on a continuum for their engagement with learning, accountability towards learning tasks, and cooperation in class. Parents are able to access student academic progress via Learning Curve, where the result of each significant assessment task is posted. If parents have any questions about the reports, please contact your son’s Mentor or subject teacher. Middle Years parent/teacher interviews will take place on Tuesday 8 May, and details will be communicated shortly.
Sport program
Congratulations to our Middle Years boys for their commitment to school sport during Term 1. These competitions are now complete, and we are in the process of preparing for winter sports that will commence early in Term 2. Boys are asked to ensure they are aware of their winter sports selections and what this means for them in terms of preparation for competitions to begin. Boys can contact the teacher-in-charge of their chosen sport if they have any queries at this stage.
Night of the Notables
Congratulations to all our Year 7 students on a spectacularly successful ‘Night of the Notables’ on the Tuesday after Easter. As part of their Positive Education studies, Year 7 boys have been studying character strengths and took on the persona of a notable character from history, presenting to parents and families who joined us on the night. The boys did an exceptional job. Thank you to Andy Payne and the Year 7 mentors for facilitating this event. Thank you also to the many parents and family members who came along and spent time providing feedback to the students. Your support in this regard is greatly appreciated.
Community Day
The Senior School Community Day will take place on Saturday 5 May, the first Saturday of Term 2. On this day, all Senior School boys compete for their respective House teams in sports of their choice. Community Day is compulsory for boys and provides a wonderful opportunity for families to meet others from their son’s House whilst sharing a day of food, fun and activities. Specific details about the day will be provided by your son’s Head of House.
James Tamblyn, Head of Middle Years