06 March 2020
Our Senior School Muster this week was all about opportunity. We heard from students who attended the service learning trip to Cambodia last year, building houses for disadvantaged communities, as well as the Exploration Society’s trip to New Zealand, where students tackled river rapids and tested themselves on challenging terrain. Whilst both trips were undoubtedly amazing experiences, they importantly offered valuable opportunities to develop character and to connect in the broadest sense.
At the Young House meeting on Tuesday, I spoke to two Year 11 students – Chanidu and Morgan – who attended the Cambodia trip, and they were able to perfectly articulate what they took from the opportunity. Both agreed that the trip not only gave them a more informed perspective on life, but it also gave them the sense of fulfilment that comes from helping others. What great education!
The student presentations could not fail to promote future participation in our trips and tours, but I encouraged the boys in muster to not overlook the smaller opportunities that they have at school on a daily basis – in their normal timetabled lessons, additional lunchtime sessions, co-curricular activities, or in the social interactions they have with staff or fellow students. I hope the boys reflected that these too are opportunities to embrace and to be grateful for.
Marcus Blackburn
Deputy Headmaster/Head of Senior School