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The School year draws to a close as the last newsletter for 2019 lands in your inboxes today. And what a year it has been. In the past week I have attended the Year 6 Graduation, the Years 3–6 Speech Day and the ELC Christmas Concert and the Years 7–11 Speech Day this afternoon. Each provides a moment to reflect on the achievements of our students and all that has been accomplished in the past 12 months.

Whilst achievements are to be celebrated and acknowledged, at the Years 3–6 Speech Day I reflected on participation and the importance of learning new skills. Students at St Peter’s College are fortunate to have an array of activities on offer and students have attended camps, participated in robotics classes, learnt a musical instrument and honed their sporting skills, to name just a few undertakings. I commend every student who has tried something new and participated fully in the opportunities provided by this School.

At St Peter’s College we aim to be an exceptional community of learning where boys have the opportunity to develop in all areas of their lives. As students head off for a well-deserved break, I would ask that they reflect on all that they have achieved this year and think about what they would like to try and improve in the year ahead.

To our parents: thank you for working alongside us to develop, grow and encourage our boys. Your love and support of your sons does not go unnoticed and I am particularly grateful for all that you do.

I wish everyone in the Saints community a safe and happy Christmas. I hope you enjoy the festive season surrounded by those you love most and I look forward to seeing you all back at school at the end of January.

Merry Christmas.

Tim Browning


Picture:‘The Three Wise Men’ by Alexander Willis (Reception)