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It is wonderful to have all students back on campus and I am delighted to report that when we account for those in quarantine or impacted by travel bans, the School is enjoying close to 100% attendance. We are continuing to provide additional support to boarding students who are unable to return and I hope to welcome them all back in the fullness of time.

The start of Term 2 has been distinctly different to what we had anticipated at the end of Term 1. With South Australia’s sterling efforts in tackling the spread of COVID-19, I am pleased we have been able to return to a new normal. In-classroom learning continues as it always has whilst modifications to sport, music and co-curricular program have enabled many activities to restart. Over the coming weeks and months as restrictions are eased, I will keep you informed as events and other activities resume. We will not be complacent or cavalier in our approach and will continue to follow government advice.

Whilst we are all keen to return to normal, it is worth noting that many changes and innovations took place in Term 1 and over the Easter holidays which will have long-term benefits to the School and our educational practices. Some of our new initiatives will continue into the future and our remote learning resources are ready should the need arise. Our focus on the education of boys remains strong, and Nick Carter, Academic Deputy has provided an update on our philosophy and approach for the elective program in the Senior School. Please read his article in this newsletter for more information and you can also watch this short video.

Since students have returned from the Easter break I have observed a genuine sense of gratitude. Gratitude for the skill and dedication of their teachers and coaches and gratitude to be afforded the opportunity to attend School on campus. Time in isolation has also had other impacts. In the same way that a coal loses its glow once it rolls away from the camp fire, many boys have forgotten how to keep standards of presentation. Please ensure your son is well groomed and meets the expectations of our community by presenting at his best each day.

Detailed information about School news and events will be published in this fortnightly newsletter and I will continue to send COVID-19 specific updates as required. In the meantime please contact my office if you have any questions or concerns.

Tim Browning