08 February 2019
Welcome back to all families and a very special welcome to all our new students and families that have joined the St Peter’s College community for the first time in 2019. Please know that this is your School and it is through a strong partnership founded on Truth, Respect and Service that we can carefully guide our sons to adulthood as mature, successful contributing members to our nation.
It has been wonderful to see the boys quickly engage with the School routine and begin to advance their endeavours and new staff embrace our vision. Among the many staff who have joined us for the first time I make specific mention of Mr Barnaby Eaton, Director of Sport and HPE R-12, also, Mr Nick Carter, Academic Deputy R-12. I encourage you to get to know each of these new leaders and hear their vision for the development of each St Peter’s College student.
I also thank Mr David Kolpak who has stepped into the role of Acting Head of Junior School for Term 1. Socks are up! We look forward to welcoming Mrs Jasmine Taylor to St Peter’s College as Head of Junior School from Term 2.
In a first at St Peter’s College, we began the School year with a special Smoking Ceremony, conducted by indigenous elder Uncle John. This traditional welcome to country provided the opportunity for the whole School to come together and commence the year acknowledging the traditional land of the Kaurna people. Staff and students stood united on Girdlestone Oval receiving the welcoming smoke cast by Uncle John along with his generous inclusive words and singing.
We congratulate Domenico Perrotta, recipient of the Young Exhibition for the Dux of Year 12, 2018. It was wonderful to see him at Government House earlier this week to receive his merits from the Governor of South Australia. Domenico also received the highest ranking ATAR of 99.95.
In addition, the School was contacted by the SACE Board during the recent break to notify us that the following students have been selected to participate in the 2019 SACE Art Show.
Parker George (HWK) – Self Portrait in Green
Ryan O’Callaghan (S&A) – Maralinga
Levi Smith (SHT) – Adelaide Botanic Garden Poster
Vinuka Thalis (MAC) – Three Peaks
We congratulate all members of the Class of 2018.
Tim Browning