As we come to the closing stages of Term 3, the Year 12 students are gearing up to hand the baton to the Year 11 students as the new leaders and face of Sancti Petri Schola Collegiata (SPSC). Student leadership has a significant impact on the direction of our School, with students leading the way in carving a positive and inclusive culture for all boys into these walls and fields.
This week Senior School students have been fortunate to tour through Old School House, accessing areas normally out of reach, such as the upstairs rifle range and dormitories that boarders called home. I would like to thank Andrzej Czechowicz (Year 11) President of the Historical Society, for his work in organising and leading these tours. From all reports they have been very successful and full of interesting facts about the building and our School’s history. If you missed out on the tours, check out the archive and museum homepage that Andrea McKinnon-Matthews, School Archivist, has put together here.
On Thursday 9 September we acknowledged RU OK? Day, which aims to empower people to meaningfully connect and lend support. Although young people cannot be expected to fix someone’s problems nor know the best way to help and support, they can follow the four steps of ALEC (Ask, Listen, Encourage, Check-in). It is important to stress that this day is to raise awareness about the need to ask RU OK? on any day of the year should it feel necessary. This day is a great reminder off the back of Blue Week to keep checking in on your mates especially as our senior students begin study preparation for their final exams.
With the closure of the winter sports season, the boys have been displaying great levels of House pride and determination as the Athletics season moves to the closing stages of trials. Athletics season always creates a great atmosphere at the School with students participating in trails over lunch times and after school. Next week the long-distance championship and House division races will begin followed by the carnival on the Friday. Best of luck to all competitors. On behalf of the students, I would like to thank Mr Laurie Humphreys, Mr Tony Keynes, the Saturday coaching staff and the grounds staff for their work in the lead up to the Athletics Carnival.
We are approaching the closing stages of Term 3 so keep on keeping on! We all look forward to seeing everyone giving it their everything as they battle it out for points towards the Athletics Cup next week. May the best House win!
Sam Jackson
School Captain