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Displaying respect in the sporting arena

Interschool Summer Sport commenced in Week 3, making for a timely reminder of how we can all model the School value of respect during our involvement in sport.   

At St Peter’s College, we respect the rules, and the decisions of our umpires.  

We respect our teammates by encouraging and supporting one another, working together toward a common goal and not for personal gain.  

We respect our opponents, acknowledging their efforts and achievements, regardless of the outcome of the game or match.   

We respect our coaches, managers and parents and thank them for their guidance and support.  

When onlookers see our students playing sport, whether it be during the week or on the weekends, I want it to be obvious that respect is a core value to us here at St Peter’s College.

Food deliveries during the School day 

Please note we do not allow students to receive fast food deliveries during the day.  

School lunch orders can be made before 9.15am via the Lunch and Online Orders Keystone tile.  

In an emergency, students will be directed to the school tuck-shop where they will be provided with a sandwich. This will be added to the parent’s account.

Lunar New Year 

It was wonderful to celebrate the Lunar New Year through a range of classroom activities led by Mrs Shelby Baker and parent volunteers, as well as two Assembly items presented last week. We are grateful for the opportunity to develop intercultural awareness through the languages taught in the Junior School; Chinese and French.

I truly enjoyed connecting with members of our community at the Welcome Cocktail evening and am looking forward to the Junior School Friends of Saints Movie Night next Saturday 4 March at 5pm. You can book using this link.

Please remember that I welcome your feedback and invite you to reach out at any time.  

Have a wonderful weekend.  

Jasmine Taylor
Head of Junior School 

Dates for the Diary

Years 3 and 4 Swimming  Week 5  Burchnall Sports Centre 
NAPLAN Practice Test  28 February  Junior School Locations 
Years 3 -6 Assembly  3 March, 8.45am  Memorial Hall 
Reception Coffee Morning  3 March, 8.45am  The Lion Hotel 
Junior Primary Assembly – Hosted by 2B  3 March, 2.30pm  Junior School Hall 
JSFoS Movie Night  4 March, 5.30pm  Palm House Oval 
Years 3 – 6 Swimming Carnival  6 March, 9.30am  Burchnall Sports Centre 
JSFoS Committee Meeting  6 March, 7.30pm  Function Space 
Palm House Swimming Weeks 6 and 7  Burchnall Sports Centre 
Year 4 Camp  8 March to 10 March  Finniss 
Year 6 Coffee Morning 9 March, 8.45am The Lion Hotel
Reception Parent Dinner  17 March, 6.30pm  The Kentish 
Prep  Parents Drinks 24 March, 7.00pm Feathers Hotel