19 March 2021
I have been energised by the discussions that have been taking place across the Junior School following the recognition of International Women’s Day. Louise Day shared with Junior School staff the picture book, ‘How to be a Real Man’ by Scott Stuart. I had the pleasure of sharing this with Hugh Earlam’s 6E class. The boys in this class were thoughtful in their discussions around how the book made them feel around gender stereotypes and what they experienced in their relationships in the classroom, on the sports field and beyond. This book certainly inspired the boys to think deeply about their relationships with friends and family and importantly to follow their own path.
During 2020 I spent time talking with students, staff and parents about our behaviour management policy. We have developed and implemented a Relationships, Behaviour and Engagement procedure for the Junior School with the aim to help guide students in how to understand and act upon the St Peter’s College values of truth, respect and service. Across the Junior School the boys are taught specifically how to establish and maintain healthy relationships, manage conflict with kindness and increase their overall resilience through our engagement with the URStrong program. All parents have free access to the parent portal of this program and can sign up at this link.
If you have any questions or comments, or would like to know more about our programs and policies, please feel free to get in contact with me.
Ben Storer
Deputy Head of Junior School – Wellbeing and Administration