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Jackie French Presentations for Year 4 and 6 
On Friday the 15 of November the Years 4 and 6 boys walked over to PAC to listen to Jackie French AM, Australian author, historian, ecologist and honorary wombat, 2014-2015 Australian Children’s Laureate and 2015 Senior Australian of the Year. The Year 4 classes heard a presentation titled ‘The Land Where Stories Come From’ and the Year 6s listened to a presentation titled ‘Historical Fiction and Historical Lies’. Jackie told many fascinating stories, but her main message was that books are like a magic potion that will make you more intelligent, as reading is muscle building for the brain. We look forward to helping boys find fabulous books so that we can help build that muscle.

Christmas Cooking Showcase
Please remember that we are now accepting Christmas cooking to display. On Monday we were greeted by three proud boys who created reindeer cookies, a gingerbread house and some beautifully decorated biscuits. If there is something amazing that you create as a Christmas treat we would love you to enter it into our Christmas showcase.

Borrowing for Term 4
Borrowing in the Junior school has now finished for 2019. We would like to thank all the families that returned books by the due date. We are always amazed at how few books we have to chase up at the end of the year as most families meet this deadline.

Alison Winter
Junior School Librarian