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Wednesday of Week 9 in Term 1 saw the boys from Years 3 to 6 compete in the annual Junior School Summer House Games. It was fantastic to see the courts and fields full of House colour and excitement as well as a fierce sense of competitiveness. Every boy from each of the four Houses is put into a team to compete in a sport. The boys can represent their House in Cricket, Modified Cricket, Tennis, Tee Ball or Volleyball. As this is the first time our Year 3 boys have participated in Summer House Games, they played Kickball. 

 As always, the competition throughout the event was fierce, with House pride on the line, but it was great to see a high level of sportsmanship from all the competitors. 

Once again, we had several of our Senior School boys, some of whom are former Junior Schools boys and have been involved in Summer House Games before, umpire our cricket matches. They did a fantastic job and I would like to thank them for their time and effort. 

The day also wouldn’t work as well as it does without the involvement of the staff and the work of the groundsmen to have our facilities ready. 

A big thank you must also go to our four House Leaders, Ms Procopio (Alliston Jones, Miss Wilson (Brooks), Mrs Medlin (Clayton-Dyer) and Mrs James (Stokes-Ware) for all of the time they invested to ensure all of the different teams were selected and that all of the boys in their House were able to have an enjoyable day. 

The results are as follows: 

1st Alliston Jones
2nd Clayton-Dyer
3rd Stokes-Ware
4th Brooks

1st Stokes-Ware
2nd Clayton-Dyer
3rd Alliston Jones
4th Brooks

1st Brooks
2nd Stokes-Ware
3rd Alliston Jones
4th Clyaton-Dyer  

1st Clayton-Dyer
2nd Brooks
3rd Stokes-Ware
4th Alliston Jones

1st Brooks
2nd Clayton-Dyer
3rd Stokes-Ware
4th Alliston Jones  

1st Brooks
2nd Alliston Jones
3rd Clayton-Dyer
4th Stokes-Ware

The overall points for the day saw Brooks House come out on top with Clayton-Dyer second, Stokes-Ware third and Alliston-Jones fourth.

Mr Jason Cosgrove
Head of Junior School Sport and HPE