12 August 2021
The Senior School Languages team visited the Year 6 cohort on Friday 6 August to initiate conversations around the transition to the Middle School. It was an essential experience to give the boys a taste of the languages on offer and an opportunity to interact with the Senior School teachers.
Following a physical warm up greeting each other in four languages, Mrs Spiby gave a presentation on the languages studied at SPSC and the many opportunities to engage in learning about cultures both inside and outside the classroom. Students then spent time completing activities and talking to teachers to find out about the Year 7 curriculum and events planned for 2022.
All languages were represented, including Chinese, English as an Additional Language (EAL), French, and German. The Languages Soccer Tournament proved very popular as expected!
The Year 6 boys have been asked to make their language choice for 2022 by the end of Week 4. The Senior School staff enjoyed meeting the boys and were impressed by their engagement and enthusiasm in the activities. We look forward to meeting the boys again in Term 4 as they start their transition to the Middle School.
Mrs Rachel Spiby
Head of Languages