The Year 6 and 7 transition program begun last week with a special focus on languages. Led by Mrs Rachel Spiby and the Senior School languages team, Year 6 students were asked to make their languages choices for 2021.
Students were given the opportunity to meet the Senior School teachers of French, Chinese, German and English as an Additional Language (EAL). Students were thrilled to spend time with each teacher talking about the subject and completing tasks related to that language. The most excitement was reserved for the excursion and activities plan for 2021, with the Languages Soccer Tournament providing the most anticipation.
The function space in the Junior School was abuzz with excited students looking forward to languages in Year 7.
Thank you to Mrs Spiby and all the Languages staff for organising a wonderful afternoon for students – their collective passion for Languages was obvious, and Year 6 students enjoyed their taste of what’s to come next year, as they begin preparations for their move to the Middle Years program.
Ceri Slinger
Head of Junior Years – Learning and Teaching Excellence