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The Maths@Saints program is one of mathematical enrichment for boys who have a passion for mathematics and mathematical problem solving. There are many aspects to the program, including the Mathematical Society and Thursday Afternoon Mathematics Enrichment Sessions (THAMES).

The Mathematical Society is the student arm of the program, and is run by a student committee with guidance from the Coordinator of Maths@Saints, Mr Alex Smith.

The THAMES sessions are held between 3:45pm and 5:45pm every second Thursday afternoon in term time in either the Horace Matters Room (Room 8) of Big Quad, or Room 11 of the Pentreath Building. In Term 1, these sessions will begin in Week 4 and will be advertised through the morning notices.

Some enrichment sessions will be dedicated to enable boys to prepare for upcoming mathematics competitions, including the highly regarded School Mathematics Competition (SMC), the Computational and Algortihmic Thinking (CAT) Competition, the Australian Mathematical Olympiad (AMO), the Asia Pacific Mathematical Olympiad (APMO) and the Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC).

During other sessions boys will meet with visiting professional mathematicians from industry and academia to learn about modern trends in mathematics and how mathematics is applied to solve real-world problems.

For more information, please contact Mr Alex Smith on or 8404 0751