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Once again, the St Peter’s College Mission Guild excitedly invites you to join us for its Annual Bridge Day event. This promises to be a friendly day of social Bridge with trading tables, raffle prizes, table service lunch and refreshments. Don’t play Bridge? That’s ok… join us for a game of Fish, 500 or even Canasta! Money raised by Mission Guild on the day continues to support the work of Anglican Charities.

Join us for a fabulous table service lunch including refreshments.

Memorial Hall
Friday 7 September 2018
10:30am for 11am start, concluding at 2:30pm
Tickets: $160 per table of 4 players ($40 per person)

Bookings preferred through
Bookings close 5 September 2018
For more information contact Penny Bowen on 0437 715 359 or Kate Southcott on 0432 206 623 or email

2018 Bridge Day booking confirmation