Mission Guild Recycled Uniform Shop Regular Opening Hours (during school Term only)
Each Tuesday 3.00pm – 4.30pm
Each Thursday 3.00pm – 4.30pm
Additional hours:
First Saturday of each month 10.00am – 12.00pm
First Wednesday of each month 8.00am – 9.00am
If you are unable to attend during these times, please email recycleduniformshop@stpeters.sa.edu.au to make an alternative time or to check what stock we have available. Otherwise you may phone the Recycled Uniform Shop on 8404 0494 during open hours or contact Claire on 0419 869 706 after hours.
Mission Guild would also be very grateful for donations of clean, good quality uniform items. In addition, Mission Guild will also accept any clothing that has been purchased for use as part of the school curriculum eg. for camps, hiking etc. Such items include hiking boots, thermals and fleece vests.
All donations can be left at either the Recycled Uniform Shop during opening hours or in our Donation bin behind the School Uniform shop.
It is through your generous donations that the Saints community can help and support those in need in South Australia.
Please check our Mission Guild tile on Keystone regularly for Pop-Up dates and future events.
Paula Musolino
Mission Guild