On Friday 29 May, Junior School Library Leaders, Nicholas Latella (Year 6) and Louis von Doussa (Year 6) were invited to the Junior School Assembly, dressed up as Whitney and Britney the chicken divas from the book Whitney and Britney: Chick Divas by Lucinda Gifford. This book was read to many classrooms last Wednesday as part of the National Simultaneous Storytime.
The National Simultaneous Storytime is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association. Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country.
Nicholas and Louis reflected on the assembly:
Max spoke well about the Premier’s Reading Challenge, reminding boys that for this year, they can read any 12 books (two from any series). Completed forms can be returned to library staff when they collect library books from the classrooms every morning.
As part of the National Simultaneous Storytime, students were taught the chicken dance at the Junior School Assembly. This was an amazing experience as part of the National Simultaneous Storytime. It was a lot of fun encouraging all boys to have fun at assembly and enjoy a new dance.
We gave it our heart, needed to improvise, and is a memory we will never forget – regardless of the technical difficulties, we still pushed through. There were many smiling faces while doing the chicken dance, including Mrs Taylor as she danced around the assembly. We have met boys doing the chicken dance in the yard, and they have shared some very encouraging comments. It was a great way to connect the boys with the library.
Thank you to all students for being involved in the chicken dance and we look forward to seeing on the yard during lunch time.
Louis von Doussa (Year 6) and Nicholas Latella (Year 6)