06 February 2020
Changes to our lesson timings have opened up many exciting opportunities for our Junior School students. As you will be aware, we have adjusted the timetable to allow students to begin the day with their class teacher for longer, and end the day with their class teacher, again for a longer time.
Some of the benefits are the ability to spend time unpacking the daily notices, reading the daily prayer and reflection, checking what lessons are happening and unpacking any changes. Goal setting has been a focus with teachers and students working together to develop learning and wellbeing goals. The longer time at the end of the day is being used to reflect on learning that has happened throughout the day. It is also an opportunity to continue learning, to take longer with their Science Investigation, to consolidate THRASS activities, or to up-level a writing piece. It is a continuation of learning time with their class teacher; the possibilities are endless.
Our lunch time play and eating time has flipped to enable the boys to play first at lunchtime and then sit and eat at the end of lunch. The many benefits have included children eating more (as they don’t want to rush off and play) and they have been coming back into class in a more settled and focused manner, ready to learn. The boys are still being supervised during their playtime and eating time by staff. Feedback from staff and students has been very positive. Watch this space for more information about the research behind this initiative.
“World Read Aloud Day” is held in February every year to reinforce the importance of reading. In the Junior School Library on Wednesday, we celebrated “World Read Aloud Day” by inviting teachers to come and read books with students at lunchtime (or anytime during the school day). In many corners of the library groups of boys listened to stories being read aloud by Junior School staff. Boys then had the opportunity to make a reading crown to take home with them as a reminder of the importance of reading aloud.
Ceri Slinger
Head of Junior Years – Learning and Teaching Excellence