06 April 2018
In Term 1 the Year 7 positive education program centered around the theme of positive self. The central question the boys investigated was; do character strengths help to explain why people succeed? A principal aim was for students to understand how character strengths are an important part of their lives. In addition to this, was the discovery that notable people often use seven key character strengths in becoming happy and successful. In turn, the Year 7 boys learned about their character strengths and ultimately set themselves goals for future personal development.
To conclude the unit, boys were able to show their learning at an after-school event on Tuesday April 3 called Night of the Notables. The students dressed in costumes of a favourite notable person and spread out across the classrooms and learning common areas of the Pentreath Building. They were asked to make a short presentation of their hero to any parents who approached them. Importantly, the boys described the character strengths of their hero and used these to identify one strength they aimed to develop further over the course of the year.
This year was the third time the event was held, and it proved to be another successful afternoon. Boys and parents had given great thought as to what to wear and the Middle Years building was filled with colour and energy.
The list of notables was broad and extensive. It was terrific to see scientists such as Howard Florey, Alexandar Fleming, Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein not to mention leaders such as Malcom X and Winston Churchill. Other notables included religious inspirations such Dalai Lama and Doug Nicholls; military personnel Mad Jack Churchill and Reginald Saunders; entertainers Walt Disney, Stan Lee, Bruce Lee and Leonardo DeCaprio; naturalists David Attenborough and Steve Irwin as well as sportsmen, artists, businessmen, bushrangers and even two dads.
There were one hundred and twenty notable people with their parents and friends. It was also pleasing to see a number of former students who were delighted in seeing and hearing from this year’s cohort of Year 7’s.
Congratulations to all who made the third Night of Notables a success.
Andy Payne, Senior School Teacher.