24 November 2022
It was great so see almost double the entries from the Junior School enter this year’s Oliphant Science Awards. This annual competition is an excellent opportunity for students to further develop an interest in STEM by developing their own inquiry project. They learn to problem-solve, research, work independently / collaboratively and further develop other essential skills such as planning, organisation, and time-management.
Across Reception to Year 6, projects were submitted for several categories including Programming, Apps & Robotics, Models & Inventions, Games, Multimedia, Crystal Investigation, Posters, Photography, Science Writing and Scientific Inquiry.
Out of the thousands of students from a number of schools across South Australia, three entries from St Peter’s College won an award for their projects, and seven other projects received a Highly Commended.
Congratulations to the following award winners who were presented with their certificates and prize at the 2022 Oliphant Science Awards Presentation Night earlier this term.
1st place – Nivaan Sardana (4T) for his Programming, Apps & Robotics entry titled ‘Plant Health Monitoring System’
2nd place – Tyler Gao (5S) for his Multimedia website titled ‘Tips on re-using waste’
3rd place – Liam Rathnaweerage and Fred Bendyk (3M) for their Science Inquiry titled ‘How cricket balls spin’
Well done to the following students who received a Highly Commended award for their projects:
Viaan Prakash 1A
Michael Wang 2J
Declan Larkin 2B
Eric Wang 3M
Aviv Choi 3W
Eric Shah 5Z
Nathan Ong 6B
Congratulations to all students who participated in the Oliphant Science Awards this year. Your motivation, enthusiasm and passion for STEM was evident through your unique and creative projects.
We look forward to seeing many more entries in 2023!
Miss Zollo and Mrs Leyson