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2022 was the second year that The Oxford University Computing Challenge (OUCC) ran. We had an increased uptake of students sitting this coding-based competition (41 students in the Senior School and 14 students in the Junior School), which was indicative of the growth in skills and knowledge of programming amongst our students. The OUCC builds on the principles used in the Computational and Algorithmic Thinking (CAT) competition and allows students to develop their skills further to produce programmed solutions to computational thinking problems.

The OUCC consists of two rounds, each 60 minutes in length. The OUCC is also useful for identifying students who might like to progress to the Australian Informatics Olympiad (AIO) in Term 3.

The standard in the competition this year was more rigorous than ever, requiring a perfect score to progress to round 2. The following students performed exceptionally well in their respective divisions of the OUCC, after progressing to round 2 (finals).

  • Xander Grice (Year 12)1st Place Senior Division
  • David Taylor (Year 10) 8th Place Intermediate division

I would also like to acknowledge the following students who performed well in round 1 of the competition.

Senior Division:

Xander Grice                      Year 12          Perfect Score

Intermediate Division:

David Taylor                        Year 10          Perfect Score

Casper Cai                          Year 10          Distinction

Junior Division:

Aarav Kochar                     Year 7            Distinction

Carbon Li                           Year 7            Distinction

Jinhua Liu                           Year 8            Distinction

Dan Nguyen                       Year 7            Distinction

Nicholas Robertson           Year 8            Distinction

Caleb Scott                         Year 7            Distinction

Devansh Singhal                Year 8            Distinction

Ryan Weinert                      Year 7            Distinction

Primary Division:

Aarnav Sanghavi               Year 6            Distinction

Nicholas Savvoulidis          Year 6            Distinction

Rupert White                       Year 6            Distinction

Louise Firth
Coordinator of Maths@Saints