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“There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots, the other, wings.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

When becoming a parent, it seems that everyone has advice on how to raise your child. Advice comes flooding in from all walks of life. Aunties, uncles, friends, neighbours, teachers, cousins, siblings, nurses, grandparents, shopkeepers; everyone has something to say.  The advice becomes a mindfield and it takes a savvy operator to navigate through what is worthwhile, what to disregard or what to take with a grain of salt.

Perhaps one of the books in our evolving parent collection of books will help navigate you through the complexities of parenting. If you have come across helpful titles in your own journey, please either suggest the title for inclusion in the collection or donate the book if you no longer need it. The collection is located in the Junior School Library and one of our team will happily guide you to the collection and set you up with borrowing rights.

Alison Winter and Sue Dansie
Junior School Library