19 November 2021
Our Year 3 students have been thoroughly enjoying poetry and have relished in reading a variety of poems. We all know that poetry helps build literacy skills so make sure you enjoy the joy of poetry too!
One of our favourite poems was written by Mr Browning himself! We then invited Mr Browning to visit us and helped write a collective Year 3 poem. We played with words while looking at various patterns in poems. Giggles and full belly laughs could be heard throughout the corridors as we constructed our humorous poem.
The poem Tom the Parrot begins as…
“Tom the parrot, ate too many carrots, his tummy became quite sore.
His mother said STOP! I’ll go to the shop, to get some Panadol, it’s just next door.
Off she went, $5 she spent, to purchase the medical supplies.
Tom drank the potion, and felt some motion, and experienced watery eyes.
A rumbling sound could be heard right down, near his sensitive parts.
It got bigger and bigger, he was a painful figure, as he tried to hold in a ….
He sat quickly down, moaning on the ground, trying to hold it in!
Trying to decide where he could hide, he forgot Grandma was next to him.”
The boys are now working in pairs to finish the poem off in their own way. We can’t wait to read the final versions. You may like to try finishing it off with your family too!
Mrs Emily Rogers
Year 3 Coordinator