13 September 2019
In Week 6 the Junior School library hosted the annual Read Around with Dad event. It was wonderful to see the Library filled with approximately 170 fathers eager to read with their sons. Dads were greeted in the morning with coffee and breakfast before they got down to the exciting business of selecting books to read. It was a buoyant and exciting atmosphere.
There was great sharing amongst the dads, along with some friendly competitive rivalry as they tried to out do each other with story selection. Once all the books were selected the eager dads headed down to the classrooms to share their stories with their sons and then ventured around the Library and Junior School to find a comfortable place to read. It was a delight to see excitement on the faces of students and dads, as stories were read across the School.
Read around with Dad is always such a wonderful highlight of the Junior School calendar.
Alison Winter and Sue Dansie
Junior School Teacher-Librarians