20 November 2020
After a year of uncertainty it was fantastic to hold our annual Reception to Year 2 Sports Day on Wednesday 28 October and the Junior Primary boys were greeted with perfect conditions for their big day.
Students participated in a number of events in which they were able to use the skills that they have been working on during their PE lessons. Events included high jump, tug-of-war, egg and spoon, sprints, relays, discus and more. It was great to see so many parents there to support the boys. Our Junior School leaders from Year 6 eagerly helped to run the day and did a fantastic job, showcasing why they have been given the responsibility of leadership this year. All the boys are to be congratulated for their efforts throughout the day. They all displayed fantastic sportsmanship in each of the events that they participated in.
I would like to thank Mr John Athanasiou and Mr Jeremy Cini for their help in preparing students for the event. I would also like to thank the Palm House Staff for ensuring the day ran smoothly.
Once again, I would like to thank the groundsmen for their efforts in ensuring that Palm House Oval was in pristine condition for the big day.
Jason Cosgrove
Junior School PE and Sports Coordinator