Boys from Prep to Year 6 are welcome to join us between 3.00pm – 6.00pm on weekdays and throughout the school holidays for vacation care.
Afternoon tea is provided by Chartwells, the School’s caterers, and we support the boys with simple cooking experiences if they require a late snack (pizzas, scones, toast and sandwiches).
The boys have embraced outdoor learning opportunities and the use of art materials like clay and paint. We have lots of exciting gardening plans for the coming months!
We are able to support the boys with their homework. Many of our educators work as Education Support Officers in the Junior School so they are familiar with the learning and teaching program.
All our staff are qualified and employed by the School. This provides a high consistency of pastoral care between the school day and the after school program.
The ELC is loving being able to expand our community by getting to know a range of boys from across the Junior School. The rich learning and collegiality that comes from having mixed aged groups is a benefit to all.
If you would like to register for care please use this link or speak to Holly Baulderstone at
Holly Baulderstone
Head of Early Years