05 April 2023
The following programs will be delivered for the SPSC Junior School providing pre and after school care whilst supporting the development of fundamental movement skills, creative play, and confidence building. To assist in your planning for Term 2, a summary of all co-curricular and SEA activities can be viewed here.
Activities for Reception to Year 2 students
The mid-week Learn to Swim program returns with four sessions available over Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. The boys will be escorted from meeting spots and supervision is provided prior to the 4.00pm session.
New activities include:
- SPSC Bikies (Learn to Ride a Bike) will be presented by Cycling Australia.
- Run, Jump, Throw, presented by Little Athletics SA
Other activities for Reception to Year 2 Boys include:
- Hip Hop Crew
- Soccer
- Learn to swim
- Junior and Mini Ninja
- Winter Sports (Soccer, Basketball, Footy)
- Todd Perry Tennis Academy
- Dry Sculpting
- Minecraft (Year 2)
- Multi-Cultural Baking and Cooking
Activities for Years 3 to 6 students
- Movie Making
- Fencing
- Swim Training
- Minecraft
- Todd Perry Tennis Academy
- Run Jump Throw
- Chinese Calligraphy
- Homework Club (Monday – Thursday)
- Lego Construction
- Hip Hop Crew (Year 3)
- Run Club/ Cross Country
- Keys Athletic Development Program (Years 4 to 6)
Please note, school sport and music ensemble rehearsals take priority over SEA and Keys bookings and self-cancellations and refunds will not be able to be processed after Week 2.
Click to book SEA Program Activites
KEYS: Athletic Development Programs for Years 4 and 6
Run by Senior School specialist Athletic Development staff these programs have been established to consolidate a broad range of skill competencies that are highly transferable to so many summer and winter sporting pursuits. Click here to book.
Old Palm House OSHC
Out of School Hours Care is available before school from 7.30am and after school from 3pm until 6pm. Bookings can be made directly with Angie Storer, or via the Spike app. For more information, please email Angie: astorer@stpeters.sa.edu.au
Todd Perry Tennis Academy
The Todd Perry Tennis Academy, suitable for all standards of tennis player continues in Term 2. Bookings can be made directly with Todd via mobile: 0414 014 566 or email: toddperrytennisacademy.com.au
For further information on any of the SEA activities, please contact Kevin McCormack, Coordinator of SEA at Kmccormack@stpeters.sa.edu.au
Kevin McCormack
Coordinator of Saints Extra Activities