09 March 2018
As of .1 May 2018, the Senior School Tuckshop is operating on a cashless system and only student ID cards are accepted for payment at recess and lunch.
To add funds to your son’s card, please use this Keystone link. You can set maximum daily spend limits, prohibit certain purchases, set up a low-balance notification and view all transaction history.
All Junior School orders continue to be done via the online ordering system via Keystone.
The fully implemented cashless system will reduce wait times for the boys and avoid them carrying cash. For parents you can top up the account at any time and monitor what your son is buying.
If you require further assistance, please contact the Keystone Support Centre on 8404 0444 or keystone@stpeters.sa.edu.au or read the help guide https://msa.stpeters.sa.edu.au