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Activate is a nation-wide program for schools which aims to empower students to design, develop and launch a social enterprise to help address a real-world issue. SPSC is running Activate as a lunchtime co-curricular activity for all students in Years 7 to 12 throughout Terms 2 and 3.

With guidance from enterprising old scholars and staff, students will be given the tools to create a social enterprise. But what is a social enterprise? Simply put, a social enterprise is a business that uses the profits from whatever good or service it produces to create a fairer and more sustainable world by addressing a problem or need in society. Students can create a social enterprise on their own or with a group of like-minded friends and collaborate on this venture. At the end of the program, students will have the opportunity to pitch their ideas to a panel of judges, similar to Shark Tank. If students win the grand-final they win $25,000 to bring their idea to life.

To give you more of an idea about the program, view the 2022 Grand Final video here.

If students are keen to start their own social enterprise, learn some key business skills and contribute to a brighter future, then join us for the kick-off session in Week 4 on Wednesday at lunchtime in Miller GF 19. For more information about Activate, please email Ms Day or Ms Christensen.

Students can register their interest here.

Ashleigh Day
Service Learning Coordinator