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Students of Ms Skewes’ Year 9 Introduction to Pottery class Krishn Arora, Joshua Maung, Mateen Baba, Gus Chabrel, Flynn Gray, Brayden Xu, Caleb Scott, Fabian Johnson, Ned Noakes, Hanaan Hasan and Louis Bizot exhibited their first assessment artefacts, ceramic earthenware sculptures inspired by South Australian flora, in the 2024 Solar and Sun – Bungala Sculpture Exhibition.

The exhibition was held at the Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden. The theme for the exhibition was environmental sustainability and students responded to this theme innovatively by constructing their sculptures with 50% recycled clay. Hanaan explained “In our Pottery class we value using recycled clay because it’s good for the environment, as there’s no waste. It’s also resourceful and cost effective.”

Caleb offered “I hope to inspire others to be more environmentally efficient in their lives by limiting waste and reusing or recycling products as much as possible.”

We congratulate all students for stepping out as Emerging Artists so early in their ceramics studies. As testament to students’ exceptional efforts, their collective entry won the School Prize. The School Prize has been acknowledged with a certificate, a trophy and $1,000 prize money.

Arts Captain Henry Burton will presented Mr Browning with the trophy, on behalf of our class at School Muster in Week 5. The class have chosen to donate their prize money to St Peter’s College Mission Guild to support the guild’s philanthropic engagement within the wider community.

Joshua reflects “I hope to inspire others to engage in the Arts. Give it a go. In fact, try something new, anything at all, and try your best at it. I never thought I would enter my art into an exhibition, but I did. I’m proud of this and the support we have been able to offer the Mission Guild by winning the School Prize.”

Ms Rosalynde Skewes
Art Teacher