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At the Year 8 Muster this morning Anderson Nguyen and Henry Lehman shared their experience to date volunteering with The Smith Family ‘Student 2 Student ‘Reading Program. Learn more about the program here.

Learn about Anderson and Henry’s experiences below:

“I nervously registered for the program when it was first announced at Muster, and we went through various training sessions before finally reading with my buddy. I was filled with excitement at the prospect of exposing one of my passions – reading to another student. Developing my buddy, Connor’s reading was a pleasure, and I am excited to share my experiences with you. Reading sessions are generally 20 minutes and are mostly filled with reading and the occasional review of how my buddy’s week has gone at the start. The most challenging bit of the program has been maintaining concentration throughout reading but thankfully, Connor and I are both improving at this life skill as the program continues. The part I have enjoyed the most is the pride I receive after Connor reaches a milestone or goes up a reading level in the Chatty Kids reading software. This pride goes both ways and encourages Connor to continue reading. In conclusion, I have learnt a valuable lesson through the ‘Student 2 Student’ program; just a small bit of effort or in this case, 20 minutes a day goes a long way. Thank you.”
– Henry Lehman (Year 8 Student)

“I thought that the ‘Student 2 Student’ reading program would help someone out that isn’t as fortunate as us, and would help me to read something for once, as I’m not the biggest reader. Meeting with my reading buddy Tom, in a way felt a bit daunting as I’ve never really done anything like this before but after we got into the swing of it, things could not get any easier. My reading sessions with Tom often go for about 20 to 30 minutes, and comprise of reading books, and the occasional story from Tom. Sometimes these books will have small questions that we can discuss together. The most challenging part of the program in my opinion was making the first call. First impressions go a long way, so I couldn’t be pulling any funny business. On the other hand, I’ve enjoyed seeing how fast Tom’s reading has improved. When I first met Tom he was comfortable with reading Level 9 books. Now when he chooses a book, he chooses a Level 22 reader. My time so far with the ‘Student 2 Student’ reading program has been a thrilling experience, and witnessing someone learn has been enjoyable. But what have I really learnt from this? I need to read more books! Thank you.”
– Anderson Nguyen (Year 8 Student)

Thank you to all of our 35 students who are participating in The Smith Family ‘Student 2 Student’ reading program. Thank you also to Mr Mark Coventry for supporting the students in this fantastic volunteering opportunity, and to Megan Kate at The Smith Family for all her work in coordinating the buddies and their calls.

If you would like to learn more about the program or are interested in volunteering next year, please email me at

Ashleigh Day
Service Learning Coordinator