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Since the subject selection process at the start of the term, your son may reconsider his plans for next year, especially once final reports and examination grades are received. If a revised selection needs to be made, please email the Learning & Teaching Centre with permission for your son’s new selection. You will need to specify your son’s name, his Year level in 2020 and the change in subject selection, including any change in order of preference or reserve subjects. The email should be addressed to Mrs Andrea Agnew, Timetable Coordinator, at

Changes to subject selections can be made as late as the last week of Term 4. However, it should be noted that the risk of a particular combination of subjects not being achieved may be increased with late changes, because by that stage the timetable construction process is nearing completion and subjects have been blocked for staffing. In addition, selecting classes that are full will require your son’s reserve subjects to be called upon to complete his timetable.

If ever you wish to discuss your son’s subject selection please contact either his subject teacher, his Head of House/Year or any of the staff below. The direct line for the Learning & Teaching Centre is (08) 8404 0433.

Careers Counsellor: Mark Colsey,
IB Diploma Coordinator: Paul Hadfield,
SACE Coordinator: Trudy Duggin,
Director of Studies: Sam Cheesman,
Academic Deputy: Nick Carter,

Sam Cheesman
Director of Studies