07 December 2022
Four teams from the Term 3-4 Sumo Club competed in the annual SumoMania Competition last Friday.
This year, the competition was held at Elizabeth Downs Primary School, where our boys spent the majority of the day competing against 4 other schools and improving their sumo-bots in between rounds.
Two Teams progressed to the finals: The Fender Benders were competing for first place and Tank were competing for third place. Each final was comprised of the best of 5 rounds and at the end The Fender Benders (Beau Leon, Advik Sinkar, Year 4) lost by one round to come 2nd and Tank (Frank Parsons, Thomas Tsoutouras Year 5) won their rounds to take third place.
Congratulations to all four teams who participated, and I hope to see you competing again in 2023.
Colin Becker
Robotics Coordinator