24 May 2024
On Sunday 19 May, 18 keen Years 7 to 11 students from Howard House, embarked on a service trip to the Fork Tree Project in Carrickalinga. Departing at 8am, the students dedicated a full day to environmental restoration efforts on the 180-acre property, previously an old pastoral property used for dumping building waste. This project aims to reduce carbon emissions by rewilding the area.
Throughout the day, the students engaged in a variety of tasks crucial to the project’s success. These included weeding, cleaning and prepping pots for recycling in the nursery, and removing algae from seedlings. Each activity not only contributed to the restoration efforts but also provided the students with the opportunity to work as a team within our House. It was heartening to see students from different year levels within Howard House working together, building meaningful connections, and contributing to a common cause.
Howard House plans to continue its support for the Fork Tree Project, with another visit scheduled for Term 3. During this future trip, the students hope to further their efforts by planting vegetation after the winter rains, thereby continuing their commitment to community service, which is a key part of our Howard House motto – “Deeds not words”.
Louise Firth
Head of House – Howard