31 August 2018
You were born with potential.
You were born with goodness and trust.
You were born with ideals and dreams.
You were born with greatness.
You were born with wings.
You are not meant for crawling, so don’t.
You have wings.
Learn to use them and fly.
Mr David Hine
Head of Junior School
Student Achievements
Congratulations to the following boys who were awarded a Certificate of High Distinction in this year’s ICAS Science Competition, meaning that each boys places in the top 1% of all students in SA and NT.
Certificate of High Distinction achievers at the ICAS Science Competition
Year 3 – Kaspar Jongeneel, Edward Manifold, Caleb Scott
Year 5 – Joey Fitzgerald, Harry Manifold, Alexander Nguyen
Year 6 – Casper Cai, Alexander Koh, Jake Richardson
Congratulations to the following boys who were awarded a Certificate of Distinction (top 10% of all students in SA and NT) in this year’s ICAS Science Competition:
Year 3 – Daniel Cao, Hunter Di Blasio, Nicholas Hill, Joshua Howes, Lutanda McLeod, Alexander Molga, Henry Zappia
Year 4 – Louis von Doussa, Benjamin Howell, Alexander Lippett, David Penkoff, Ross Psaromatis, Nicholas Robertson
Year 5 – Ishaan Chaudhuri, Lachlan Hill, Anirvan Iyengar, Tony Li, Nicolas Lockie, Jack Pillay, Alexander Piscioneri, Hamish Porter, James Rajapaksa, Sheharyar Shahid, Lachlan Siow, Jake Wong
Year 6 – Harry Bradshaw, Austin Brooks, Haseef Emad, Oliver Hamilton, Ruckshan Jayachakaran, Wilson Lee, Tristan Lowe, Aadi Mittal, Edward Moss, David Taylor, Thomas Wu
Archer Papps-Burford competes at Australian All Star National Championships
Congratulations to Archer Papps-Burford (Year 3) who recently represented South Australia at the Australian All Star National Championships in Hip Hop on the Gold Coast.
Dates to Remember
3 September | 7.30-8.30pm | Junior School Friends of Saints Meeting |
6 September | 12.15-1.00pm | Chapel Service for Years 4-6 |
7 September | 2.30-3.00pm | Reception-Year 2 Assembly in the JS Hall |
12 September | 2.30-3.10pm | Years 3 – 6 Assembly in Memorial Hall |
13 September | 12.15-1.00pm | Chapel Service for Years 1–3 |
14 September | 2.30–3.00pm | Reception – Year 2 Assembly in the JS Hall |
18 September | 2.00–8.00pm | Parent/Teacher Interviews |
19 September | 8.45–10.15am 7.00–8.00pm |
House Singing in Memorial Hall Fellows Lecture: Dr Jared Horvath |
20 September | 12.15–1.00pm 2.00–6.00pm |
Chapel Service for Years 4 – 6 Parent/Teacher Interviews |
21 September | 2.30–3.00pm | Reception – Year 2 Assembly in the JS Hall |
A Call for Junior School Volunteers
The Junior School runs a very successful Learning Assistance Program (LAP), which is supported by a regular group of Volunteers who provide an hour and a half (1.5 hours) of their time from 8.45 – 10.15am once a week. This program is of significant benefit to a number of boys in Years 2 – 6 with their literacy development, and only operates with the generous support of our Volunteers. If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer at the school and would like more information about joining our friendly and supportive LAP team, please contact:
Geraldine Waldron, LAP Coordinator
P: 8404 0415 or E: gwaldron@stpeters.sa.edu.au
Traffic Safety
St Peter’s College is situated in close proximity to the CBD of Adelaide, and adjacent to the Botanic Gardens. The School campus sits between two high-traffic roads of North Terrace and Hackney Road. The safety of our boys is of paramount importance and caution must always be taken when walking, riding or driving in this vicinity.
When boys are crossing North Terrace on their way to and from School, they must always cross at the pedestrian traffic lights situated near Trinity Street. Boys should not cross the road at any other place, even when traffic is stopped for the lights.
Boys who need to cross Hackney Road must use the traffic lights on the corner of North Terrace, or walk under the bridge (over the River Torrens) to the north of the School. Alternatively, boys should use the pedestrian island opposite the entrance to Plane Tree Drive.
In the Junior School, parents should use either the North Terrace or Hackney Road car parks. Parents are asked to respect any designated spaces signed for Staff parking.
The Junior School Avenue is open for parking until 9:30am. It is then closed for traffic throughout the day and reopens at 2:30pm.
Parents may drop boys off inside the School grounds in the Hackney Road carpark, North Terrace carpark or in the Avenue. Please note there is no parking in the Avenue.
Photographs on Social Media
Out of respect to other families within our School Community, St Peter’s College asks that photographs taken at any School event or function that contain images of other students not be published, distributed to others or placed on any form of social media, without the consent of the relevant student’s family.
Outside School Hours Care
The Before School Care Program at St Peter’s College operates from 7:00-8:15am each school day. The After School Care program runs from 3.00-6.00pm school days.
From 2 July 2018, the Government has replaced the Child Care Rebate (CCR) and the Child Care Benefit (CCB) with the single Child Care Subsidy (CCS).
There are now three key things that will determine how much subsidy each family will receive.
- Your combined family income
- Your fees (Hourly rate caps apply for each service type)
- Your fortnightly activity
More information is available at:
To find out how these changes affect you please contact Centrelink or visit:
Car Parking
- I would like to remind parents of the regulations regarding use of the Junior School carpark. People using the carpark need to stick to the 10km/h speed limit and follow the arrows to assist us with the safety of our boys and their families.
- Could parents who are collecting boys in the area near the School Uniform Shop please ensure they do not park around the round-about at the end of the road and also do not park in front of cars that are parked in marked car parks, making it impossible for these cars to leave the car park.
- Could parents please respect and take note of the fact that there are disabled carparks in the Junior School. We currently have parents parking in these bays who do not have the appropriate permits.
- Parents have indicated that there are parents who are driving whilst on mobile phones in our school carparks, and potentially endangering the safety of our Junior School boys. Obviously we would ask that parents do not engage in this illegal practice.
Playground Supervision
Each morning teachers supervise the playground from 8:15–8:30am before the boys go to class for the start of the school day. Boys who arrive at school before this time should go to Outside School Hours Care (OSHC). After school there is supervision of the exit points to 3.40pm. After this time, any boy not at a co-curricular activity or still waiting to be collected by a parent will be taken to OSHC by the teacher on duty.
Parents are responsible for the supervision of their son on any playground equipment after school, as teachers are rostered on duty at various exit points in the Junior School. We do ask that boys do not play on the equipment outside the Years 3 and 4 classrooms until after 3:15pm.
Lost Property
We have 4 lost property bins in the Junior School.
- One near the photocopy room outside 1G.
- Two in the Bickersteth Building opposite the 3N classroom (for all clothes).
- One outside the Art Room (for all lunch boxes and bags).
We would encourage boys to check these bins for any lost property, as all left-over items are donated to charity at the end of each term.
Term Dates for 2018
Term 1 30 January – 13 April
Term 2 1 May – 29 June
Term 3 24 July – 28 September
Term 4 16 October – 7 December