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Following on from our very well-attended THRASS parent information evening last week, Ms Jo Tierney ran a drop-in session this week for interested Junior School parents.

THRASS which stands for teaching, handwriting, reading and spelling skills is a phonetics teaching tool. It uses a phonographic, multisensory focus that makes reading and spelling much simpler, faster and more sustainable than the conventional phonic approach.

We welcomed 35 Junior School parents, where Jo recapped on the session’s key points. Parents heard how THRASS charts are used in classrooms, the correct terminology to use (phoneme, grapheme, spelling choices) and were showed some activities that they could use at home to support their son’s reading and spelling.

There was a chance to ask questions and to find solutions to tricky words such as one, bubble and yacht. Jo was able to show parents how to use the chart to guide their son when making spelling choices.

It was wonderful to see the commitment that parents had in supporting their son’s learning, whilst showing themselves to be excellent role models in the process. Thank you to Jo Tierney for giving up her time and for her obvious passion for THRASS which is evident to all.

If you have any further questions about THRASS, please chat to your son’s class teacher or speak with Jo in Reception T. She loves a THRASS conversation!

Jo Tierney showing parents the fundamentals of THRASS.

Ceri Slinger
Head of Junior Years – Learning and Teaching Excellence