09 February 2024
From sandcastles to architecture? Play dough pancakes to chef? Duplo to robotics? Nursery rhymes to novelist? We are so thrilled to be supporting these young men as they embark on their learning journey here at St Peter’s College and beyond. They may be the youngest members of our community but as neural science shows us, developmentally, they are far stronger and adept learners then us adults. This makes the Early Years the most dynamic and exciting place to be!
Our boys have come from a myriad of different cultural, linguistic, developmental backgrounds. We embrace these boys as individuals and look for ways to create new shared experiences for them to forge friendships and futures on. This has started with the adventures of a bear hunt. The boys have been reading the book, singing the song, splish splashing in water, stumbling and tripping in forests, and tip toeing through caves. A beautiful representation of the emotional landscape these boys and families are travelling as they eagerly anticipate their days alongside all the worry and wonder that the unknown brings.
The joy of movement is propelling the boys into their learning. Cars, trains, balls, and bubbles – support the boys as they explore our physical world. This curiosity will be the strategy for our learning this year.
We look forward to all the possibilities 2024 offers for these young, but very capable, learners.
Holly Baulderstone
Head of Early Years