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I extend a very warm welcome to all our Middle Years students and families to the 2019 school year. Whether you are continuing at Saints or commencing your journey at the School this year, I am very much looking forward to working in partnership with you to support your son through their Middle Years journey. After a thorough transition program we trust that the boys are ready to hit the ground running in 2019. If families need any support, at any time, we encourage you to make contact with your son’s mentor who will either provide the assistance required or direct you to the appropriate contact. We very much understand that the beginning of the school year can be a time of uncertainty or apprehension for some boys, and we are committed to working in partnership with you to ensure that your son feels safe, welcome, informed and connected.

The Year 7 and 8 boys have made an excellent start to the year, immersing themselves in the learning program and co-curricular activities. Throughout Week 2 the Year 8 students attended our Finniss site for their Outdoor Education lead-in days. Here they practised a range of skills they will utilise as part of the Journey program late in Term 1. Our Year 7 boys undertake their lead-in program in Week 3. I’d like to thank all the Outdoor Education team, as well as the Middle Years mentors and Year Level Coordinators, for the time they put into preparing this program.

The Term 1 sports program launches this week, with most Middle Years boys training after school on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Boys are reminded to be prompt for training and ensure they bring with them all the necessary uniforms and equipment. A reminder that the sports bag storage room is opened every morning at 8.25am and opened again after school.

The Senior School Homework Policy is available for viewing on Keystone in My Tasks. The policy outlines our beliefs about the benefits of homework and I invite you to contact mentors, subject teachers or the Learning and Teaching Office if you have any queries about the expectations.  As a general rule, boys in Year 7 are expected to complete 75 minutes of homework per night, and Year 8s should complete 90 minutes. A homework timetable has been constructed for each class to support this important aspect of your son’s learning.

Mr James Tamblyn
Head of Middle Years