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My articles in ‘What’s Happening at Saints’ this year have mentioned a range of resources for parents and caregivers to discuss wellbeing strategies with the young people at St Peter’s College. The pandemic has impacted the mental health of children in a variety of ways and as adults we need the skills, knowledge and strategies to support them at this time. Lockdowns and absences have challenged, in part, the ability of children to develop independence, form relationships and understand their identity. As adults we need to provide an environment of support, understanding, empathy and encouragement.

It is important for the students to face the challenge of an assessment, play in a sports competition, perform with a music group or just take the time to develop a new friendship. Building resilience in our children will go a long way to equipping them with the strategies to help them thrive and develop healthy coping strategies. Resilience is the capacity to face, overcome, be strengthened and transformed by adversity. SchoolTV has a special report that explores the “7 C’s of Resilience” and includes suggested strategies on how adult carers can best facilitate them. Competence, confidence, connection, character, contribution, coping and control are all important aspects of the learning that occurs within our community. Please take a moment to reflect on the information offered, and as always, I welcome your feedback.

In the section about ‘connection’, the report highlights how young people need to feel safe, valued and listened to. One of my favourite mindfulness activities is to connect with music and find meaning in the lyrics of songs. We often work with classes to develop playlists that can inspire us, help us to focus or even remind us we are ‘strong and lovely’. What is a song that stands out for you? At this time I am reminded of the song “Emmylou” by Australia artist Vance Joy. My take-away from listening to this song for mindfulness this week is often we all, and especially our children, need to hear “You are loved”.

View the SchoolTV special report here. 

Ben Storer
Deputy Head of Junior School – Wellbeing and Administration