05 June 2020
The Junior School has a diverse and vibrant music program with every Year 3 student participating in the String Immersion program, attending two music classes per week. One lesson is devoted to learning and playing a string instrument and the other is for boys to strengthen their music theory and musicianship through a wide range of classroom music activities. These classes provide a strong foundation for the practical application of musical concepts and language. The classroom component is delivered by Mr Simon Varga and Ms Katie Carey.
The String Immersion program is led by Mrs Sharon Morley, Strings Coordinator, and is assisted by string tutors Ms Emma McMurray (violin), Ms Katie Howes (violin/viola), Ms Jacqui Finlay (cello) and Mr Declan Horan (double bass). This highly experienced team of string specialists guide the students in their weekly lessons giving valuable individual attention to each boy. There is a strong ensemble approach which facilitates development in fine and gross motor skills, developing coordination, intonation, rhythmic accuracy, notation reading and ensemble awareness.
At the start of the year the string staff demonstrated the violin, viola, cello and double bass to the students and after informed decision making, the boys were allocated their preferred instrument. Home practice is the key to consistent progress and visible achievement. A minimum of four home practice sessions per week is expected. In class the boys work through sequenced material using their tutor books whilst incorporating many short pieces with engaging accompaniments which the boys access from their iPads.
The classes are ensemble based ensuring students gain knowledge on similarities and differences between instruments also enabling the students to enjoy and benefit from playing and sharing their music together.
We look forward to sharing the results of the boys learning with you later in 2020.
Simon Varga
Junior School Music Coordinator