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This term Year 5 students took part in the Junior Orator competition this term. They were required to write and deliver a short speech about one of the following subjects :

  • What characteristics make a modern day hero
  • How song lyrics can influence our lives
  • Sharks should be protected
  • A place I’d like to live
  • Social media – a positive or negative influence in our lives?
  • From little things big things grow: how one person can make a difference on a current issue

Two students were chosen from each class to compete in the Year level final:

Aarav Kochar and Nicholas Miles from 5L
Will Atkins and Sze-Yong Koh Buckland from 5P
Sebastian Yates and Lutanda McLeod from 5B
Caleb Scott and Sarvin Mahadavan from 5S

The speeches were meticulously researched, carefully written and presented with confidence and clarity. The adjudicators were entertained and impressed by all the speeches. Pleasingly we were able to have the Year 5 cohort, appropriately physically distanced in the Junior School Hall to watch the presentations.

Congratulations to our Year 5 winner was Nicholas Miles.  We will be presenting all finalists at Assembly in Week 9.

Ceri Slinger
Head of Junior Years – Learning and Teaching Excellence