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During weeks 3 and 4 Dr Tessa Opie presented to Year 6 parents at an information evening followed by workshops involving students with a focus on sexuality and respectful relationships. Tessa is the founder of ‘in your skin’; an organisation is dedicated to providing relevant and pragmatic information about relationships and sexuality education.

Tessa has extensive experience in sexuality education and has worked as an educator across the government, not-for-profit, and private sectors, and has ongoing experience as a guest lecturer at various universities. She has expertise in discussing and exploring sensitive topics with young people in a range of settings, including mainstream schools, alternative education settings, tertiary institutions, juvenile justice facilities, and amateur and professional sporting associations, including the Australian Football League (AFL) and Port Power Community Ltd. Tessa is a member of the Society of Australian Sexologists and a member of the Australian Association for Adolescent Health.

She explored the following areas:

  • Puberty – expectations, changes, sexual curiosity
  • Body autonomy and consent
  • Respecting boundaries
  • Use of language and humour
  • Active by-standing
  • Carly Ryan Foundation (Keeping safe online)

The students were involved in a range of activities facilitated by Tessa. These activities enabled an open and respectful conversation about life as an adolescence.

Adam Clutton
Year 6 Junior School Teacher