08 November 2018
Each year we discuss the importance of examinations with students in the Senior Years. Their teachers help prepare them, and students have access to materials, including the Revision Wiki.
Subject-specific revision sessions have been offered, via morning notices, to Year 9 students during afternoon mentor lessons in Weeks 5 and 6. For this cohort in particular, the students are often sitting written examinations for the first time, so they may benefit from this additional advice.
When the exam period arrives in Week 7, it is critical that boys arrive at each session on time and at the correct location. Year level specific instructions, rules and timetables for all exams were emailed to all students by Mrs Fitridge, the Examinations Coordinator on Monday 12 November. I have also provided an overview of dates below.
- Tuesday 27 November (Week 7) is a study day for Year 11 (these boys remain at home, unless co-curricular activities demand otherwise)
- Years 9, 10 and 11 Exams commence on Wednesday 28 November of Week 7
- All exams will be completed by the end of Tuesday 4 December (Week 8)
- A student-free day occurs on Wednesday 5 December
- Speech Day is on Thursday 6 December
- Friday 7 December is a student free day
Please note that, to allow teachers time to complete marking, the first student-free day is held immediately after the exams.
Students are not required to attend school when they do not have an exam. However, for Year 11 students, the Miller Library will be available for quiet study between morning and afternoon exams. For Year 9 and 10 students, a dedicated classroom in the middle level of the Gordon Building will also be set aside for each year level, if a student wishes to remain at school to revise for exams.
Full summer school uniform must be worn whenever boys attend School during the exam period, including if they come in to meet with a teacher for revision.
Exam results will be made available via Academic Footprint (Year 11) and Learning Curve (Year 9 and 10) on Keystone, at midday on Monday 10 December.
For Queries
Please contact the Learning and Teaching Centre (08 8404 0433) if you have any general enquiries about exams. Otherwise, please direct subject-specific exam queries to your son’s teachers.
Requests for individual students to sit an examination at an alternative time
Exams are an important means of assessment. As such, the School treats internally conducted exams as significant and essential in preparation for Year 12.
Exam schedules require considerable planning to ensure all students, as far as is possible, receive a fair distribution based upon their timetable. Exam periods are published on the school calendar and detailed schedules are communicated widely.
Requests for Variation
On occasion, students may request to take an exam outside of the programmed day or time. An individual student undertaking an exam either before or after all others creates a number of issues.
- Collusion between students and possible divulging of content
- Additional administrative burden of supervision and organisation
- Changing exam preparation and marking deadlines
- Students often undertake exams in a compressed timeframe resulting in a negative experience and unreliable academic outcomes
- Students may sit exams without going through sufficient revision and preparation
For the reasons stated above no student will be permitted to complete an exam outside the programmed time. However, if the nature of the exam offers no opportunity for collusion (e.g. it is practical or oral only) the opportunity may be provided to complete the exam before or after the scheduled time. This will be left to the discretion of the Head of Faculty and there is no obligation to do so.
For students absent on the day of a written exam, depending upon the circumstances that led to the absence they may, if conditions permit, sit the paper after the scheduled time. This will be at the discretion of the Head of Faculty, but the results will not be used for formal assessment, given the paper is completed outside the normal assessment timeline. The experience will still provide a significant learning opportunity for the student and will give an indication of his achievement standard for the year.
For Queries
Please feel free to contact Mrs Amanda Fitridge, Mr Sam Cheesman, Ms Trudi Duggin or Mr Paul Hadfield if you would like further information.
Sam Cheesman
Acting Director of Learning & Teaching Excellence