03 December 2021
Our School year concluded today with our 174th Years 7 to 11 Speech Day in Memorial Hall. In was an honour to have Mr Michael Gilmore, who is leaving the School after 37 years, deliver our Speech Day Address. In his Address he emphasised the importance of community and looking after each other and our environment. Thank you Mr Gilmore for your dedicated contributions in what has been a truly remarkable career at SPSC.
It was a special and fitting ceremony to conclude a fantastic year and we congratulate the following award recipients:
Year 7 Prize Recipients
Academic Excellence Prize | Shaarav Reddy |
Academic Excellence Prize | Thomas Teh |
Chinese Language and Literature Prize | Tianling Guo |
Chinese Prize | Adam Lee |
English as an Additional Language Prize | JiaCheng Bi |
English Prize | Adam Lee |
French Prize | Shaarav Reddy |
Geography Prize | Lochlan McKenna |
German Prize | Jinhua Liu |
Henry Ayers Scholarship – Academic Ability | John Lucas |
History Prize | Thomas Teh |
Mathematics Prize | Devansh Singhal |
Physical Education Prize | Henry Darcey |
Religious and Values Education Prize | Joshua Joshi |
Science Prize | Jinhua Liu |
Year 8 Prize Recipients
Academic Excellence Prize | Lachlan Siow |
Academic Excellence Prize | Ishaan Chaudhuri |
Academic Progress Prize | Ansen Li |
Academic Progress Prize | Lachlan Estcourt Hughes |
Bickersteth Prize for Religious and Values Education | Yash Bhattacharjya |
Chinese Prize | Lachlan Siow |
English as an Additional Language Prize | Wei Hong Khoo |
English Prize | Jack Pilay |
French Prize | Alexander Piscioneri |
Geography Prize | Lachlan Siow |
German Prize | Krish Raju |
History Prize | Lachlan Siow |
Mathematics Prize | Lachlan Siow |
Physical Education Prize | James Corbin |
Science Prize | Nemindu Athukorala |
Year 9 Prize Recipients
Academic Excellence Prize | Siyu Cai |
Academic Excellence Prize | Alexander Koh |
Academic Progress Prize | Yitong Liu |
Academic Progress Prize | Alan Lu |
Alastair Wood Prize in Mathematics | Siyu Cai |
Art Prize | James Stockman |
Bickersteth Prize Religious and Values Education | Arki Galantomos |
Chinese Prize | Alexander Koh |
Design and Technology – Integrated Systems Prize | Haseef Emad |
Digital Technologies Prize | David Taylor |
English as an Additional Language Prize | Jia Ling |
English Prize | Haseef Emad |
French Prize | Siyu Cai |
Geography Prize | Jack Hawkes |
German Prize | Jacob Sweet |
History Prize | Arki Galantomos |
Physical Education Prize | Bailey Kerr |
Science Prize | Siyu Cai |
Year 10 Prize Recipients
AB (Sailor) Webb Prize for Material Solutions (Junior) | Charlie Raff |
Academic Excellence Prize | Darren Nguyen |
Academic Excellence Prize | Gunin Singhal |
Academic Progress Prize | Oliver Linke |
Academic Progress Prize | Coell Williams |
Australian Defence Force Future Innovators Award | Darren Nguyen |
Australian Defence Force Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Award | Harry Bruce |
Biology Prize | Darren Nguyen |
Bishop Kennion Prize for Religious and Values Education | James Hattingh |
Cameron Wilson Scholarship Prize for Physics | Gunin Singhal |
Chinese Prize | Kevin He |
Design and Technology – Integrated Systems Prize | Wyl Godfrey |
Digital Technologies Prize | Guanhong Peng |
Drama Prize | Jude Gale |
EB Hughes Prize for Art | Thomas Edwardes |
English as an Additional Language Prize | Yi Xu |
French Prize | Yuhui Jian |
General Mathematics Prize | Bailey Matters |
Geography Prize | Yi Xu |
German Prize | Louis Drew |
Jose Scholarship | Jonathan Harris |
May Scholarship Prize for Chemistry | Darren Nguyen |
McDonald Scholarship for English | Gunin Singhal |
McDonald Scholarship for Mathematics | Darren Nguyen |
Music Prize | Guanhong Peng |
Physical Education Prize | Harry Bruce |
RE Cameron Memorial Bursary | Ian Irwin |
Rex J Lipman Writing Award | Darren Nguyen |
RH Jenkin Scholarship | Darren Nguyen |
Short Scholarship | Gunin Singhal |
Sir Edwin Smith Prize for History | Gunin Singhal |
Year 11 Health Science Prize | Bryan Wang |
Year 11 Prize Recipients
2021 Muriel Matters Award | Andrzej Czechowicz |
AEH Evans Memorial Prize for Music | Nicholas Bowes |
Allen Scholarship Prize for History | Branson Inns |
Art Design Prize | Maximillian Jongebloed |
Art Prize | Nicholas Andreyev |
Bowman Scholarship for Biology | Aidan Hua |
Bowman Scholarship Prize for Geography | Patrick Rodgers |
Bowman Scholarship Prize for Physics | Luca Paull |
Business Innovation | Hugo Gibson |
Chemistry Prize (IB) | Alexander Grice |
Christchurch Scholarship | Alexander Grice |
Denton Scholarship for Economics | Rajiv Paranavithana |
Drama Prize | Rajiv Paranavithana |
English as an Additional Language Prize | Yu Xuan Tang |
FM Suckling Prize for English | Nicholas Koh |
GA Polkinghorne Prize for Mathematics (SACE) | Nicholas Koh |
General Mathematics Prize | Louis Tolley |
GH Farr Studies in Religion Prize | Zaid Musa |
Integrated Learning Prize (Stage 2) | Casey Van Heuven |
J Farrent Prize for Mathematics | Alexander Grice |
LAR Evans Scholarship for Accounting | Christos Angelopoulos |
Legal Studies Prize | Christos Angelopoulos |
Material Solutions Prize | Joshua Bested |
Nigel Craddock Memorial Prize for Service | James Ritossa |
Old Collegians Music Prize (IB) | Charles Wells |
Physical Education Prize | Fergus Carruthers |
Prankerd Scholarship Prize for German | Alexander Grice |
Psychology Prize (IB) | Ethan Leo |
Richard Oertel Memorial Prize in Mathematics | Alexander Grice |
Service Learning Medal | Daniel Jesudason |
Sinclair Trust Prize for Entrepreneurship and Initiative | Nathan Choi |
Sir Edwin Smith Prize for History | Tan Vo |
Spanish ab initio Prize (IB) | Charles Wells |
Sport, Exercise and Health Science Prize (anticipated) | Dante Farinola |
The George Foote Prize for Digital Technologies | Ruscoe Robertson |
TJS O’Halloran Scholarship | Nicholas Koh |
Wainwright Scholarship Prize for Chemistry | Daniel Jesudason |
Westminster Scholarship Prize for English (IB) | Charles Wells |
Wyatt Scholarship Prize for Mathematics | Lai-Yin Lam |