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Fostering Community

St Peter’s College is a flourishing community that works in partnership with families, alumni and friends to create an exceptional community of learning. Every member of the SPSC community is invited to participate and make a contribution to the life of the School.

Our active and involved parent and community groups promote friendships, foster a sense of community and raise funds for School and charity projects.

Our community driven groups include:

Our Junior School and Senior School Friends of Saints groups play an important role in fostering fellowship and connections between parents, guardians and staff while enriching the experiences of students at the School and our community.

To learn more about the Friends of Saints, please email

The committee, comprised of parents of students involved in the Music program, supports, encourages and promotes Music within the School and wider community.

To learn more about the Friends of Music, please email


The Mission Guild, established in 1923, exists to raise money for charities that advance social and public welfare and provide service learning opportunities to help students grow as compassionate and active contributors to society. The Mission Guild manage the Recycled Uniform Shop.

To learn more about the Mission Guild, please email

St Peter’s College prides itself on its close-knit School community which extends beyond valedictory celebrations with our past parents playing an integral role in ensuring our community remains connected long after their son(s) leave the School. The Dutton Society is our avenue to reconnect past parents and enable long-standing school friendships and engagement with St Peter’s College to continue.


Student walking down talking to a donor

St Peter’s College Foundation

Since the School’s founding in 1847, benefaction has played a major role in developing and sustaining the School and remains an important part of SPSC today. In-line with the strategic priorities of the School, the Foundation plays a vital role in ensuring the best educational outcomes for students.


St Peter’s Old Collegians

Established in 1870, the St Peter’s Old Collegians has over 11,000 active members living across the globe. Dedicated to nurturing strong bonds between former students and the School, the association organises annual reunions, business networking lunches and social events. Additionally, engagement in old scholar sporting clubs is actively promoted.


Old scholars playing golf

Students working with an old scholar learning

Mentoring and Careers Advice

Our CEO-in-Residence Program is an industry engagement program designed to connect the student body and school curriculum with dynamic leaders of industry, innovation and enterprise.


Careers Evening

Our annual Careers Evening provides students and parents insights into tertiary education and career opportunities from an array of professionals representing different industries. The evening is underpinned by generous contributions from volunteers presenters, many of whom are old scholars, parents and friends of the School.

To learn more about our Careers Evening, please email

a fire fighter talking to a student about careers

We are grateful for the investment of every person who contributes to our flourishing School community