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It is hard to believe we are over halfway through Term 1. This time 12 months ago we were uncertain of what the term ahead would bring. In contrast, this year we are optimistic about the exciting weeks ahead! We are looking forward to discussing your son’s learning at upcoming Parent Teacher Interviews in Week 8. Summer House Gamesthe Junior School Movie Night and the Seymour/St Andrew’s/St Peter’s College ‘String In’ are all events we are eagerly awaiting.   

Years 3 to 6 Swimming Carnival 
We were disappointed that parents we were unable to enjoy the success of the Years 3 to 6 Swimming Carnival on Monday. The boys participated with enthusiasm and skill, supporting one another with zest. Thank you to Mr Jason Cosgrove, Heads of House, Mr Travis Burridge (Alliston-Jones), Mr John Athanasiou (Brookes), Mrs Trish Barthoamaeus (Clayton- Dyer) and Ms Maryann Moore (Stokes-Ware) for their support of the event. The Junior School House Captains should also be commended for helping their Heads of House on the day. I look forward to announcing and presenting the age champion medals in the Week 7 assembly. 

The Sound of Music at Saints
The standard of music at St Peter’s College must be highlighted as an area of excellence. Students in the Junior School Swing Band performed an instrumental arrangement of Bad during our Week 5 assembly. It was impressive to see such a polished performance presented so early into the year. Please read the Junior School Music article for more information about the incredible opportunities our students have available to them.  

Personal grooming expectationspolished shoes and hair styles
Thank you for reinforcing our presentation expectations with your sons. In assembly last week, I challenged students to take responsibility for polishing their own shoes in view of raising the standard of uniform across the Junior School. If your son hasn’t already asked, please give him the tools, guidance and encouragement to come to school with shiny shoes and his socks up! I would also like to remind families of our grooming expectationsHair should be of natural colour and be cut no shorter than a number three. Cuts and styles, which, in the opinion of the School, are extreme, or show significant contrast in length are not acceptable. Hair must be above the collar, and fringe length must not be below the eyebrows nor tucked behind the ears.  

Friend raising in the Junior School
It was wonderful to speak with so many parents at the Welcome Cocktail function held in The Avenues a fortnight ago. Thank you to the Junior School Friends of Saints (JSFoS) committee members and class representatives for being part of the welcoming committee on the evening. St Peter’s College is fortunate to have a parent organisation focused on friend raising rather than fundraising. I look forward to seeing parents and families continue to build connections at the JSFoS organised Movie Night on Saturday 13 March.  

Click here to purchase tickets if you haven’t already.  

Drop off and pick up
Thank you for following the drop off and pick up routines. We expect the congestion in the car park to ease as before school music rehearsals and after school sport practices commence.

Staff are ready to welcome students in classrooms from 8:15am.

Parents are not to leave their cars when using the following drop off zones:

  • Sports Centre/Uniform Shop car park
  • The Avenues
  • Junior School car park

Junior School staff will help students make their way to their classrooms.

To avoid congestion at the main entrances, students will continue to use external doors to enter their classrooms. Reception students should enter via the Junior Primary courtyard, Year 4s should enter Bickersteth via the western entrance and Year 5s should enter Bickersteth using the eastern staircase.

Dates for the Diary:
If viewing on a mobile, swipe left to see the full table.

Tue 9 Mar Swimming lessons all week Rec to Year 2 Burchnall Sports Centre
Tue 9 Mar ELC Visit to Valima Gardens RV ELC Valima Gardens Retirement Village
Wed 10 Mar THRASS parent coffee morning Rec to Year 6 Junior School Function Area
Fri 12 Mar Endeavour Day Year 4 Junior School
Fri 12 Mar Assembly Years 3 to 6 Memorial Hall
Fri 12 Mar JSFoS Movie Night Junior School Girdlestone Oval
Tue 16 Mar Parent Teacher face to face interviews Junior School Junior School Function Area and classrooms
Thu 18 Mar Walking excursion Year 1 River Torrens
Thu 18 Mar Parent Teacher  Zoom interviews Junior School Online

Please remember my door is always open and I always welcome your feedback and questions. I also enjoy sharing highlights of the school day on my personal Twitter account that you can follow here.

Jasmine Taylor
Head of Junior School