16 August 2019
Congratulations to Shreyas Khanna (Year 10) who has been named as one of the 2019 Premier’s Anzac Spirit School Prize winners. Shreyas was recognised for his research of Lt Wilfred Oswald Jose (old scholar 1905 – 1913) and his involvement in World War I.
The Premier’s Anzac Spirit School Prize requires significant research where entrants are encouraged to examine and empathise with the remarkable sacrifices made by South Australian service men and women.
Enlisting on 19 August 1914, Lt Wilfred Oswald was one of the group of Saints ‘Old Blues’ who formed part of the 10th Battalion Australian Imperial Force. Wilfred served in Gallipoli and then later in France where he was killed in April 1917, aged 22 years old.
Shreyas’ research included archival materials and meeting the Jose family who gave him access to family records.
For his essay, Shreya has been awarded the Premier’s Prize certificate and medallion, and the opportunity to participate in a Veterans SA led study tour to Vietnam in October with 15 other South Australian students. This is an exceptional opportunity and reward for his hard work and dedication.
Shreyas and the School wish to thank the Jose family for their invaluable assistance in his research project.
In his essay, Shreyas wrote of the experience in researching Lt Wilfred Oswald Jose:
‘[Lt Jose’s] story put briefly can be likened to the words tragedy and kinship, and … has been an inspiration for me to strive to be the ‘best’ version of myself – not only in academia but also in pursuing several inherent values, namely a love for learning, zest and bravery.’
Shreyas’ essay can be read at the link below:
2019 Premier’s Anzac School Prize Essay – Shreyas Khanna (Year 10)
Ms Sally Bartz
Co-ordinator of History Studies

Shreyas Khanna (Year 10)