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Notice is hereby given that a Special General Meeting of the members of the St Peter’s College Foundation will be held on Wednesday 6 November 2019 as per the details below.

Date: Wednesday 6 November 2019
Time: 6:00pm
Location: Oval House Boardroom, St Peter’s College, St Peters SA 5069

The Special General Meeting will be for the purpose of voting on two special resolutions regarding the following changes to the St Peter’s College Foundation Constitution and By-Laws:

  1. Qualification for membership, duration of membership and changes to membership categories of the St Peter’s College Foundation and;
  2. Name of the association which recognises those that have left testamentary arrangements to the School or Foundation.

In advance of the meeting, please note the Explanatory Statement which outlines the rationale for the proposed changes, details of the two Special Resolutions and tracked changes to the Constitution and By-Laws affected by the changes.

As per the requirements of the Associations Incorporation Act 1985 (SA), special resolutions can only be passed if 75% of members vote in favour of the resolution either in person at the Special General Meeting or by proxy. Members who are unable to attend the Special General Meeting but would like to cast their vote can do so via proxy. Please download the proxy form to include with your apology. Proxies must be received by 4.30pm on Monday 4 November for your vote to be recorded.

Current members who no longer meet a minimum threshold under the proposed membership changes have the opportunity to make a request in writing within the first six months of the resolution being passed, to the Headmaster or President of the Foundation, to have their membership reviewed.

For any queries or to RSVP please email or phone the Development Office on +61 8 8404 0528.

By authority of the St Peter’s College Foundation Board

Mr Nick Grieve (YNG ’91)
President of the Foundation